Introduction to Python

Offered By: DataCamp


Data Science Courses Data Analysis Courses Python Courses NumPy Courses Data Storage Courses Data Manipulation Courses

Course Description


Master the basics of data analysis with Python in just four hours. This online course will introduce the Python interface and explore popular packages.

Python is a general-purpose programming language that is becoming ever more popular for data science. Companies worldwide are using Python to harvest insights from their data and gain a competitive edge. Unlike other Python tutorials, this course focuses on Python specifically for data science. In our Introduction to Python course, you’ll learn about powerful ways to store and manipulate data, and helpful data science tools to begin conducting your own analyses. Start DataCamp’s online Python curriculum now.


  • Python Basics
    • An introduction to the basic concepts of Python. Learn how to use Python interactively and by using a script. Create your first variables and acquaint yourself with Python's basic data types.
  • Python Lists
    • Learn to store, access, and manipulate data in lists: the first step toward efficiently working with huge amounts of data.
  • Functions and Packages
    • You'll learn how to use functions, methods, and packages to efficiently leverage the code that brilliant Python developers have written. The goal is to reduce the amount of code you need to solve challenging problems!
  • NumPy
    • NumPy is a fundamental Python package to efficiently practice data science. Learn to work with powerful tools in the NumPy array, and get started with data exploration.

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