Introduction to Databases in Python

Offered By: DataCamp


Python Courses SQL Courses Relational Databases Courses Data Filtering Courses Database Management Courses SQLAlchemy Courses

Course Description


In this course, you'll learn the basics of relational databases and how to interact with them.

In this course, you'll learn the basics of using SQL with Python. This will be useful because databases are ubiquitous and data scientists, analysts, and engineers must interact with them constantly. The Python SQL toolkit SQLAlchemy provides an accessible and intuitive way to query, build, and write to essential databases, including SQLite, MySQL, and PostgreSQL.


  • Basics of Relational Databases
    • In this chapter, you’ll get acquainted with the fundamentals of relational databases and the relational model for database management. You will learn how to connect to a database and interact with it by writing basic SQL queries, both in raw SQL as well as SQLAlchemy, which provides a Pythonic way of interacting with databases.
  • Applying Filtering, Ordering and Grouping to Queries
    • In this chapter, you will build on your database knowledge by writing more nuanced queries that allow you to filter, order, and count your data—all within the Pythonic framework provided by SQLAlchemy.
  • Advanced SQLAlchemy Queries
    • In this chapter, you will learn to perform advanced—and incredibly useful—queries that enable you to interact with your data in powerful ways.
  • Creating and Manipulating your own Databases
    • In the previous chapters, you interacted with existing databases and queried them in different ways. Now, you will learn how to build your own databases and keep them updated.
  • Putting it all together
    • Bring together all of the skills you acquired in the previous chapters to work on a real-life project. From connecting to a database and populating it, to reading and querying it.

Taught by

Jason Myers

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