ARIMA Models in R

Offered By: DataCamp


R Programming Courses Time Series Analysis Courses Statistical Modeling Courses Forecasting Courses ARIMA Models Courses

Course Description


Become an expert in fitting ARIMA (autoregressive integrated moving average) models to time series data using R.

In this course, you will become an expert in fitting ARIMA models to time series data using R. First, you will explore the nature of time series data using the tools in the R stats package. Next, you learn how to fit various ARMA models to simulated data (where you will know the correct model) using the R package astsa. Once you have mastered the basics, you will learn how to fit integrated ARMA models, or ARIMA models to various real data sets. You will learn how to check the validity of an ARIMA model and you will learn how to forecast time series data. Finally, you will learn how to fit ARIMA models to seasonal data, including forecasting using the astsa package.


  • Time Series Data and Models
    • You will investigate the nature of time series data and learn the basics of ARMA models that can explain the behavior of such data. You will learn the basic R commands needed to help set up raw time series data to a form that can be analyzed using ARMA models.
  • Fitting ARMA models
    • You will discover the wonderful world of ARMA models and how to fit these models to time series data. You will learn how to identify a model, how to choose the correct model, and how to verify a model once you fit it to data. You will learn how to use R time series commands from the stats and astsa packages.
  • ARIMA Models
    • Now that you know how to fit ARMA models to stationary time series, you will learn about integrated ARMA (ARIMA) models for nonstationary time series. You will fit the models to real data using R time series commands from the stats and astsa packages.
  • Seasonal ARIMA
    • You will learn how to fit and forecast seasonal time series data using seasonal ARIMA models. This is accomplished using what you learned in the previous chapters and by learning how to extend the R time series commands available in the stats and astsa packages.

Taught by

David Stoffer

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