Cultural Heritage and the City
Offered By: European University Institute via FutureLearn
Course Description
Explore the unique cultural heritage of cities
Cultural heritage is usually discussed in national or religious terms: we speak of Italian culture, Greek civilization, Islamic art, and so on. But today cities are creating their own heritage through museums, galleries, markets of artistic goods, and urban networks. Cities project themselves as cultural hubs representing and connecting entire regions, for example Doha and the UAE, Singapore and Southeast Asia, Los Angeles and North America.
Using these and other examples, through this course you’ll explore exactly what is meant by urban cultural heritage and key concepts related to it.
This course is for anyone interested in cultural heritage and cities, but it might be of particular interest to students of archaeology, sociology, and related subjects; urban practitioners like planners and community activists; or cultural heritage professionals like those working in tourism.
- Cultural Heritage in an Urbanising World
- Welcome to our course
- What is cultural heritage?
- Cultural heritage policies
- Cities and their heritage
- Week 1 wrap up
- The Governance of Heritage
- Heritage governance
- Heritage in urban strategies
- Heritage and urban development
- Week 2 wrap up
- Heritage and Urban Change
- Urban transformations
- Cultural heritage vs urban development
- The role of civil society
- Events and city identity
- European Capitals of Culture
- Course wrap up
Taught by
Anna Triandafyllidou
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