The Metalsmith's Toolbox
Offered By: Craftsy
Course Description
Join jewelry educator Kate Richbourg and discover the answers to your metalsmithing questions and challenges! Start with an exploration of metals, and learn how to choose the best materials for your projects. Then, wield jewelry hammers with finesse as you discover a variety of ways to add unique texture to metal. Next, add curved shapes to your repertoire as you find out how to use a dapping block to take your work from flat to fully dimensional. And, add foolproof cutting and refining techniques to your skill set, for a professional-quality finish that will last for years. Finally, find out the secret to achieving rainbows of stunning patinas on your designs with organic compounds, flame and even inks! Master metalsmithing for beginners, and embark on your future designs with confidence.
- Class Preview
- Know Your Metals
- Forming Tools
- Texturing Tools
- Shaping Tools
- Cutting & Finishing
- Organic Patinas
- Synthetic Patinas
Taught by
Kate Richbourg
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