Southern Sugar Flowers: Magnolia and Dogwood
Offered By: Craftsy
Course Description
Trendsetting cake artist Maggie Austin returns to Craftsy to teach two of the American South’s most iconic and beautiful blossoms. You’ll learn how to create a sophisticated white-on-white design featuring delicate dogwood flowers and branches or the magnificent magnolia. Maggie shows you her signature techniques for cutting, veining, assembling and dusting gum paste flowers with subtle, yet realistic shading.gCreate an elegant floral presentation that will be the highlight of any event, no matter where you live.
- Class Preview
- Getting Started with Maggie Austin
- Dogwood Leaves
- Dogwood Petals
- Assembling the Branches
- Making the Magnolia Center
- Inner Magnolia Petals
- Wired Magnolia Petals
- Making Magnolia Leaves
- Assembling the Magnolia
- Bonus: How to Make Gum Paste
Taught by
Maggie Austin
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