GenAI in Business: Strategies for Successful Execution

Offered By: University of Michigan via Coursera


Generative AI Courses Project Management Courses Risk Management Courses Business Strategy Courses Stakeholder Management Courses User Experience Design Courses Team Building Courses

Course Description


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In the third course of the "Generative AI in Business" series, we focus on the "Act" phase of the "See, Plan, Act" framework. This course will guide you through a structured, five-step process to build, launch, and scale the generative AI solution you’ve planned. During the process, we'll analyze the critical factors that drive the long-term success of your generative AI project. You’ll learn how to assemble and manage the right team, optimize the user experience, and develop an effective communication strategy for both internal and external stakeholders. Additionally, we’ll cover how to track performance after launch and proactively identify and mitigate risks to ensure your generative AI solution continues to deliver value. By the end of this course, you’ll have the tools and knowledge to confidently bring your generative AI solution to life and sustain its impact over time. This is the third course in “Generative AI in Business,” a short course series for business professionals interested in using generative AI to support, enhance, and amplify the work of their organizations.


  • Efficient Process to Build and Launch your GenAI Solution
    • The PAD framework provided us with a clearly defined problem to tackle using GenAI, and helped us create a blueprint for an initial blueprint for the solution. To bring that to life, let's first learn an efficient and structured process to design, test, launch, and scale your GenAI solution.
  • Maximizing Success Probability of Your GenAI Journey: The People Factor
    • One of the most critical decisions in your GenAI journey is choosing the right team to implement it. In this module, we will explore the concept of "innovation pods" and why this structure is ideal for implementing GenAI. You'll learn a series of strategies to hire the right talent, assemble innovation pods of the right size and composition, and manage the pods efficiently.
  • Maximizing Success Probability of Your GenAI Journey: The Experience Factor
    • A solution, no matter how powerful, is meaningless if your customers—whether internal or external—don't want to use it. In this module, we'll cover how to design the right customer experience for your GenAI project, and communicate effectively with different types of customers to minimize adoption barriers.
  • Maximizing Success Probability of Your GenAI Journey: The Oversight Factor
    • Even after a successful launch, many innovative solutions fail due to a lack of ongoing oversight on the projects' progress and risks. In this module, you'll learn how to track your solution’s impact and manage risks effectively. We'll first discuss strategies to track and quantify the impact of your solution has on your business over different time horizons. Then, we'll discuss strategies to assess, track, and mitigate the risk factors unique to GenAI projects. Maintaining this oversight is key to ensuring an enduring success.

Taught by

Andrew Wu


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