Number Sense for Primary Education with PhET Simulations

Offered By: University of Colorado Boulder via Coursera


Lesson Planning Courses Primary Education Courses

Course Description


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PhET Interactive Simulations (https://phet.colorado.edu/), a project of the University of Colorado Boulder, provides fun, free, interactive, research-based science and mathematics simulations for use across, primary, secondary, and higher education levels. We extensively test and evaluate each simulation to ensure educational effectiveness. All simulations are open source and free to all students and teachers. In this course, you will (a) acquire teaching and facilitation strategies for how to use PhET simulations in a K-2 classroom, (b) explore how PhET simulations can support multilingual students, and (c) engage with lessons supporting students’ learning of counting, number sense, and place value. To finish this course, you need to complete one assignment with peer review: complete one early math teacher guide (using a template) to plan a lesson on numeracy using one of the three PhET simulations introduced in this course.


  • Building Number Sense
    • In this module, you will activate your prior knowledge of what it means to have number sense, and brainstorm ways to support all students.
  • Exploring Math Identity
    • It is common for many students–and their teachers–to approach math with some trepidation. This module aims to help you unpack how you and your students might approach math, and what you can do to shift from math anxiety toward mathematical curiosity and joy.
  • Teaching Early Math to Diverse Student Populations
    • In this module, you will learn the importance of providing a strong foundation of number sense for early mathematics learners, specifically to diverse populations.
  • Number Play
    • In this module, you will learn how to effectively facilitate a lesson using the Number Play simulation.
  • PhET's Instructional Approach
    • In this module, you will learn about PhET’s teaching philosophy and how this philosophy is supported with meaningful sim-based lessons.
  • Make a Ten
    • In this module, we now return to sample lessons, with which you will learn how to effectively facilitate a lesson utilizing another simulation called Make a Ten.
  • Creating Your Own Sim-Based Lessons
    • In this module, you will learn how to build effective sim-based lessons in different contexts.
  • Number Compare
    • In this module, you will learn how to leverage the functionality of Number Compare to support students’ learning of how to compare numbers in multiple ways.
  • The PhET Website
    • In this module, you will learn about resources available on the PhET website that can support you as you plan to use simulations with your students.
  • Pulling It All Together
    • This module is a summary and wrap-up of the simulations and resources with which you have engaged in this course. As you think about your experience with the simulations and accompanying lessons, reflect on ways the sims and lessons support student confidence, agency, ownership, growth mindset, and positive mathematical identity in all learners.
  • Conclusion and Next Steps
    • In this module, you will take appropriate steps to complete the course and download your certificate.

Taught by

Rebecca Vieyra and Catherine Carter


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