Contemporary Chinese IV: 4.1

Offered By: Chinese Plus via FutureLearn


Chinese Courses Reading Comprehension Courses Cultural Studies Courses

Course Description


Expand your Chinese vocabulary and construct more natural conversations

On this five-week course from ChinesePlus, you’ll begin your advanced Chinese journey. With the basic and intermediate language knowledge as your foundation, you’ll learn new vocabulary, phrases, and paragraph structures to make your Chinese dialogue much more natural.

Explore expressing emphasis, complaints, and criticisms in Chinese Mandarin

You’ll look at how to express emphasis and negation in Chinese via dialogues and articles; being introduced to new vocabulary through audio and visual tasks.

Later in the course, you’ll build on this by learning ways to construct sentences and paragraphs that express complaints and criticism in Chinese.

Discover the Chinese language structure to tell a story in chronological order

Storytelling is a vital part of any language and many conversations revolve around the art of telling a story, whether you’re recounting a real incident or weaving a fictional story.

This course will guide you through the keywords, phrases, and sentence structures needed to tell a story in chronological order. Through listening, reading, writing, and speaking in Chinese, you’ll grow your storytelling skills, being able to understand others’ stories as well as tell your own.

Explore more cultural aspects of China such as family and relationships

With any language, there are many cultural nuances such as the way we address elders or the myths that shape metaphors. It’s important to understand the culture behind a language to fully embrace the language and avoid offending others.

You’ll finish each week of this course by exploring a different aspect of Chinese culture. These topics include the Chinese philosophy of human relationships, the 4-2-1 family pattern that has emerged in recent years, and the Chinese number superstition, among other subjects.

This course is designed for anyone interested in learning the Chinese language. To benefit from this course, you will need a solid foundation of intermediate Chinese words, expressions, and grammatical structures.

It is recommended that you complete the Contemporary Chinese 1 ExpertTrack, the Contemporary Chinese 2 ExpertTrack, and the Contemporary Chinese 3 ExpertTrack first as they will give you the foundation you need for this course.


  • Meaning of Work 工作的意义
    • Welcome to Contemporary Chinese VI: 4.1
    • Weekly Overview
    • Dialogue: 干吗那么拼命
    • Article: 你为什么工作
    • Keywords Practice
    • Weekly Summary
  • Human Problem 人的问题
    • Weekly Overview
    • Dialogue: 我真想辞职
    • Article: 人的问题
    • Keywords Practice
    • Weekly Summary
  • The Sandwich Generation 上有老下有小
    • Weekly Overview
    • Dialogue: 实在没办法
    • Article: 最后一班列车
    • Keywords Practice
    • Weekly Summary
  • Hope 希望
    • Weekly Overview
    • Dialogue: 城里的“希望小学”
    • Article: 老师有请
    • Keywords Practice
    • Weekly Summary
  • Winning the Lottery 中奖
    • Weekly Overview
    • Dialogue: 518,我要发
    • Article: “白日梦”
    • Keywords Practice
    • Weekly Summary
    • Test & Summary

Taught by

Fasen Yuan

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