IT Fundamentals for Business Professionals: Programming
Offered By: Universitat Politècnica de València via edX
Course Description
This course is one of the 5 courses of an introductory business information systems series, designed to introduce you to the amazing world of Information Technology.
The series of courses is designed so that a professional in a field outside the information technologies (financial, administrative or managerial) acquires the basic knowledge in Information Technology to be able to interact more profitably with the computer and telecommunications specialists of your company or other corporations with which you are related, being able to specify requirements, evaluate workloads and monitor results in a much more effective way.
The syllabus of the series is based on the CLEP Information Systems and Computer Applications exam.
In this course you will learn the basics of software programming. We will address the basic logic behind any computer program, what types and structures of data and files are used, how object-oriented programming works, database management and SQL language and various concepts and guidelines in web development such as HTML, XML, CSS or javascript, among others.
By completing the series of 5 courses, you will be prepared to interact effectively with specialists in the Information Technology sector (and pass the CLEP ISCA exam if you wish).
Taught by
Ignacio Despujol, Carlos Turró, Miguel Rebollo and Vicent Botti Navarro
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