User Authentication & Authorization in Express
Offered By: Codecademy
Course Description
In this course, you'll learn how to implement User Authentication and Authorization in an Express web application.
### Why Learn Authentication and Authorization with Express?
Having secure authentication and authorization practices is one of the most important things you can do to secure your web applications. As a developer, you need control over how users interact with your application, your data, and other users. In fact, Broken Authentication and Broken Access Control make up two of the OWASP Top 10’s most critical security risks to web applications.
### Take-Away Skills
By completing this course, you will have learned about and implemented a variety of authentication and authorization techniques using Express and Node.js. You will learn the differences between authentication, authorization, and encryption and when you should use each. You will implement basic authentication using sessions and cookies as well as delve into more advanced methods with OAuth 2.0. After completing this course, you will know how to secure your Express applications using secure authentication and authorization techniques.
### Why Learn Authentication and Authorization with Express?
Having secure authentication and authorization practices is one of the most important things you can do to secure your web applications. As a developer, you need control over how users interact with your application, your data, and other users. In fact, Broken Authentication and Broken Access Control make up two of the OWASP Top 10’s most critical security risks to web applications.
### Take-Away Skills
By completing this course, you will have learned about and implemented a variety of authentication and authorization techniques using Express and Node.js. You will learn the differences between authentication, authorization, and encryption and when you should use each. You will implement basic authentication using sessions and cookies as well as delve into more advanced methods with OAuth 2.0. After completing this course, you will know how to secure your Express applications using secure authentication and authorization techniques.
- Introduction: User Authentication & Authorization in Express: Get an introduction to what you will learn about implementing user authentication and authorization in an Express application.
- Informational: Introduction: User Authentication & Authorization in Express
- Article: Web Security: Not An Add-On
- Lesson: 2017 OWASP Top 10
- Authentication, Authorization, & Encryption: Learn about three key concepts in Web Security: Authentication, Authorization, & Encryption.
- Article: Authentication vs Authorization vs Encryption
- Article: Evolution of Authentication
- Quiz: Authentication, Authorization, and Encryption
- Session Authentication in Express: Learn how sessions can be implemented using cookies and localStorage.
- Lesson: Sessions & Cookies vs. localStorage
- Article: Security-Related HTTP Headers
- Lesson: Sessions in Express
- Quiz: Sessions
- Article: JSON Web Tokens (JWTs)
- Password Authentication: Learn about Hashing, Encryption, Encoding, and Obfuscation, how to implement usernames and passwords, and how to encrypt passwords.
- Article: Hashing vs. Encryption vs. Encoding vs. Obfuscation
- Lesson: Passport.js Local Authentication
- Lesson: Bcrypt
- Quiz: Password Authentication
- Project: Dognation: Password Authentication
- OAuth 2.0: Learn how an application can use OAuth 2.0 for authentication and authorization.
- Article: OAuth 2.0
- Lesson: OAuth 2.0 in Express
- Quiz: OAuth 2.0
- Article: GitHub OAuth Application
- Review: User Authentication & Authorization in Express: Review what you learned about implementing user authentication and authorization in an Express application.
- Informational: Review: User Authentication & Authorization in Express
Taught by
Kenny Lin
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