Caring Science, Mindful Practice

Offered By: East Carolina University via Canvas Network


Mindfulness Courses

Course Description


This course provides tools to help caring professionals enhance professional caring practices in everyday work environments. Learners will be introduced to Watson’s Caring Science. Exploration and learning related to key concepts will be supported through the introduction of mindfulness practice, reflective narrative, and contemplative art. Asynchronous discussion, moderated by a team of educators knowledgeable in Caring Science, will provide a forum for ongoing interaction and discovery among participants during each eight-week class session. Participants who complete all of the course learning modules will earn certificates of completion.

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Explain Watson’s 10 Caritas Processes.
  • Describe how mindfulness practice might be useful in supporting deepened understanding and practice of Caring Science.
  • Provide professional examples that illustrate Watson’s 10 Caritas.
  • Provide professional examples that illustrate Transpersonal Caring Moments.
  • Discuss how Watson’s Caritas Consciousness Touchstones for Cultivating Love might be useful in everyday professional caring practice.

Teaching strategies include:

  • Course-specific reading materials in either print and/or online formats
  • Asynchronous online postings and discussion boards
  • Online reflective journaling
  • Multimedia presentations as appropriate in the online setting

Topical areas include:

  • Mindfulness and cultivating understanding of Watson’s Theory of Caring
  • Overview of Watson’s Theory
  • Thich Nhat Hanh’s 5 mindfulness trainings
  • Transpersonal Caring Moments
  • The 10 Caritas
  • Caritas Consciousness Touchstones for Cultivating Love

This class will be pass/fail. Students earning 80% of the total points available in the course will receive a passing grade and earn the corresponding certificate of completion.

Required textbook:

Sitzman, K., Watson, J. (2014). Caring Science, Mindful Practice. New York, New York: Springer Publishing.

Taught by

Kathleen Sitzman, RN, PhD, CNE


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