La Mujer Latina Lives

Offered By: Cabrillo College via California Community Colleges System


Gender Studies Courses Immigration Courses Cultural Studies Courses Intersectionality Courses Social Justice Courses Political Activism Courses Feminism Courses Colonialism Courses

Course Description


Examines the impact of cultural, economic, and political systems on the historical and contemporary social status of Chicanas/Latinas using a social justice perspective. Considers race/ethnicity and gender as they relate to other aspects of human experience including, but not limited to, class, sexuality, age, ability, citizenship, tribal background, region, and religion. Explores topics including colonialism, cultural representation, sexuality, families and intimate relationships, health and medicine, religion, government, law, immigration, criminalization, violence, work, globalization, poverty, education, community engagement, and political activism. May be offered in a distance-learning format. CAB GE D, CSU D (Beg. F'22), IGETC 4 (Beg. F'22).

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