Proposal Planning for Grant-Funded Projects

Offered By: University of Alaska Fairbanks via edX


Grant Writing Courses Project Planning Courses Proposal Writing Courses Needs Analysis Courses

Course Description


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Proposal writing for grant funding is competitive, and a highly in-demand skill. From non-profit organizations to educational institutions or even community groups, grant writing and grant management is a vital component of fundraising efforts, and can be critical for continued success and operation. Having grant writing skills is essential for many jobs and positions, not just ones with the title of “Grant Writer.”

This self-paced, online course starts with strategic planning and how to organize a proposal focused on a particular problem or need, and starts to introduce the fundamentals of grant writing and what you need to consider before starting the writing process. It is the first in a set of three grant writing courses that form the Grant Writing certificate program. There are no prerequisites to this course, making it perfect for beginners and those only starting to learn grant writing, as well as those in nonprofit management and the nonprofit sector.

Learn how to make your proposal stand out by forming a clear understanding of the need or problem to address, convince a potential funder it is worth addressing, and show that your organization is the best candidate to address the issue.

This course focuses on the importance of strategically mapping the project concept before beginning grant proposal writing when grant seeking, and demystifies the jargon and processes in grant funding. There are a variety of funding sources available — from federal grants to state or regional level and other government grants to nonprofit fundraising opportunities and grant awards — and learners in this course will also understand the different forms of grant proposals and their purpose, and whether a formal grant application is necessary.

While this is not an instructor-led course, enrollment in the verified track will also give you access to feedback on individual projects from grant professionals who will provide guidance on a generic approach that is easily tailored to any funding opportunity.


Week 1: Wisdom of Planning

Week 2: Moving from Context to Practice

Module 3: Analyzing a Problem or a Need

Module 4: Who Are You? Writing a Strong Introduction

Taught by

Pete Pinney


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