Building BI Dashboards with Amazon QuickSight
Offered By: Amazon Web Services via AWS Skill Builder
Course Description
Lab overview
You are a new data analyst at AnyCompany Consulting. Your firm has received a set of flight data from one of your clients. In the last two years, there were over 12 million flights originating or ending at a United States (US) airport. Of those flights, 250 thousand flights were cancelled. Your client wants you to visualize the data and see if you can get insights about the causes of cancellation and how those cancellations tie back to the air carriers and airports.
In this lab, you use QuickSight to ingest your client’s flight data saved in two Excel files. You prepare the data, create visualizations, drill down into the data, add filters, and share your dashboard.
By the end of this lab, you should be able to:
- Ingest and prepare data by using Amazon QuickSight.
- Create an analysis and dashboard.
- Create visualizations and insights.
- Publish a QuickSight dashboard.
This lab requires approximately 60 minutes to complete.
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