AWS Snowcone Primer

Offered By: Amazon Web Services via AWS Skill Builder


AWS Snowcone Courses Cloud Computing Courses Edge Computing Courses

Course Description


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Welcome to the AWS Snowcone Primer course! AWS Snowcone is the smallest member of the AWS Snow Family of edge computing, edge storage, and data transfer devices. You can use Snowcone in backpacks for first responders, vehicular, and even drone use cases, or anywhere that necessitates a portable, small  form factor device. You can initiate compute applications at the edge and transfer data online with AWS DataSync from edge locations, or ship the device to AWS for offline data transfer.

This course introduces you to Snowcone, its benefits, uses cases, and its pricing model. By the end of the course you will be able to explain Snowcone features and compare Snowcone with other members of the AWS Snow Family.

      •    Course level: Intermediate

      •    Duration: 1 Hour


This course includes self-paced reading modules, overview videos, and a quiz for knowledge check.

Course objectives

In this course, you will learn to:

      •    Describe the Snowcone service and how it addresses common edge computing, data transfer, and edge storage challenges in your industry

      •    Explain the differences between Snowcone and the other members of the AWS Snow Family

      •    Discuss common and practical use cases for Snowcone

      •    Describe the key Snowcone technical options and specifications

      •    Outline the Snowcone pricing fundamentals

Intended audience

This course is intended for:

      •    Business decision makers

      •    Cloud architects

      •    Cloud administrators

      •    Storage administrators

      •    Migration engineers

      •    IT professionals


We recommend that attendees of this course have reviewed: 

      •    General AWS knowledge such as Cloud Practitioner Essentials

      •    Familiarity with AWS core services

Course outline

Section 1: Overview

      •    Lesson 1: How to Use This Course

      •    Lesson 2: Course Overview

Section 2: Introduction

      •    Lesson 3: Challenges Facing the Market

      •    Lesson 4: AWS Snow Family Overview

Section 3: AWS Snowcone

      •    Lesson 5: Introduction to AWS Snowcone

      •    Lesson 6: Workflows and Use Cases

Section 4: Technical Overview

      •    Lesson 7: Technical Specification

      •    Lesson 8: Services and Integration

      •    Lesson 9: Security

Section 5: Pricing and Availability

      •    Lesson 10: Pricing and Availability

Section 6: Knowledge Check

      •    Lesson 11: Knowledge Check

Section 7: Additional Resources and Feedback

      •    Lesson 12: Snowcone Additional Resources

      •    Lesson 13: Feedback


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