AWS Managed Services Architecture: Customer Environments
Offered By: Amazon Web Services via AWS Skill Builder
Course Description
This e-learning module is an overview of architecture for AWS Managed Services (AMS) customer environments. You review the managed VPC subnet types, identify the basic resources in a VPC, and explore the possible ways that traffic is routed. You also learn about how to access an AMS managed stack, as well as the order in which the AMS operations team accesses a customer stack.
Intended Audience
This course is intended for:
- APN Consulting Partners
- Customers
Course Objectives
In this course, you will learn how to:
- Define the terms associated with architecture
- Diagram the architecture of AMS customer environments
- Describe the functions of these customer environments
We recommend that attendees of this course have the following prerequisites:
- A basic understanding of network architecture
Hands-On Activity
This course allows you to test new skills and apply learned knowledge through two knowledge checks:
- Build a managed subnet
- Route the access to a stack
Delivery Method
This course is delivered through:
- Digital training
15 minutes
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Whizlabs via Coursera