Amazon ElastiCache Service Introduction

Offered By: Amazon Web Services via AWS Skill Builder


Amazon ElastiCache Courses Databases Courses Amazon Web Services (AWS) Courses In-Memory Databases Courses Data Platform Engineering Courses

Course Description


This course introduces you to Amazon ElastiCache, the service that provides an in-memory database for AWS customers. This course introduces you to the service and its core features and capabilities.

Intended Audience

This course is intended for:

  • IT professionals
  • Data platform engineers
  • Database developers
  • Solutions architects

Course Objectives

In this course, you will learn to:

  • List the purpose of the service and its function
  • Summarize the benefits of the service
  • Recall how the service works
  • Identify use cases for the service
  • Recognize how the service is billed


We recommend that attendees of this course have the following prerequisites:

  • None

Delivery Method

This course is delivered through:

  • Digital training


  • 5 minutes

Course Outline

This course covers the following concepts:

  • Service Introduction


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Amazon ElastiCache Getting Started
Amazon Web Services via AWS Skill Builder
Amazon ElastiCache Service Introduction (French)
Amazon Web Services via AWS Skill Builder
Amazon ElastiCache Service Introduction (German)
Amazon Web Services via AWS Skill Builder
Amazon ElastiCache Service Introduction (Indonesian)
Amazon Web Services via AWS Skill Builder
Amazon ElastiCache Service Introduction (Japanese) (日本語字幕版)
Amazon Web Services via AWS Skill Builder