Advanced MySQL Topics
Offered By: Meta via Coursera
Course Description
In this course, you'll begin to push beyond simple SQL statements in MySQL to an advanced level in database engineering.
By the end of this course, you'll be able to:
- Use control statements and variables in different contexts in MySQL
- Develop user defined functions and procedures
- Optimize MySQL database queries
- Demonstrate a working knowledge of common table expressions and the JSON data type
- Understand how and when to use triggers and events
- Utilize subqueries, JOINS, views and transactions to perform data analysis
- and use database optimization techniques such as MySQL transactions
You'll gain experience with the following advanced MySQL database skills:
- MySQL user defined functions
- Advanced MySQL stored procedures
- MySQL optimization techniques including Indexes, Transactions, CTE and JSON
- MySQL triggers and events
- Database analytics in MySQL
- Advanced SQL queries for data analysis with JOINS, views and subqueries
Through this course you'll develop new skills, improve your productivity, learn to act effectively with data and boost your career prospects.
To be successful in this course, you should have already completed the previous course, “Database Structures and Management with MySQL,” or have prior experience with the skills taught in that course.
- Functions and triggers
- Learn how to develop user defined functions and more complex stored procedures in MySQL. You'll also practice invoking a stored program (procedure or function) automatically in response to an event such as insert, update, or delete that occurs in the associated table.
- Database optimization
- Learn the core rules and guidelines for database optimization, and practice advanced database administration tasks that will optimize your database.
- MySQL for data analytics
- Learn how to use MySQL with advanced data analytics tools and discover how to perform data analysis using advanced MySQL queries.
- Final project
- Practice your SQL automation by writing a stored procedure to solve real world problems
Taught by
Taught by Meta Staff
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