Multi-Session with screen
Offered By: A Cloud Guru
Course Description
System operators, developers, and users of Linux systems all need to be able to run multiple commands via a single terminal session, as that may be all they have — or by policy are restricted to — when signed into or connected to systems.Being able to run multiple sessions with one-to-many commands in windows in those sessions either locally or remotely is a serious productivity boost for anyone who has to accomplish their work via a terminal or command line interface.Additionally, the ability to establish task-based workspaces that can be built, disconnected from, and reconnected to all without disturbing their functioning or processing is a major productivity enhancement for the terminal-bound Linux user.This course is designed to help you understand, use, and be productive with the Linux screen command.
- Introduction
- Understanding Linux Sessions and Processes
- Exploring the screen Command
- Using Multiple Commands in screen
- Exploring screen Advanced Features
- Conclusion
Taught by
Ross Brunson
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