Introduction to AWS AppSync

Offered By: A Cloud Guru


AWS AppSync Courses Cloud Computing Courses React Courses GraphQL Courses AWS Amplify Courses Web Application Development Courses

Course Description


Hello Cloud Gurus!In 2019, at least half of IT spending will be cloud-based. Many companies are now looking for professionals who understand cloud computing to help them make informed decisions about cloud services. There is a growing demand for software developers who can create apps that can be developed quickly, and scale up with demand – which is what the cloud is all about!This course is a short, sharp introduction to developing cloud applications on AWS AppSync. AppSync is a managed GraphQL service that makes it easy to build mobile and web applications. The power of AppSync is that it allows you to build, mange and synchronize real-time subscriptions while also allowing you to have access to app data when mobile devices are offline.In this course, you’ll learn: How to unify multiple data sources with a GraphQL API and query them from one endpoint. How to bootstrap an application with AWS Amplify and mobile services. How to use GraphQL subscription to make realtime applications. Whether you want to build a multi-player game app, Augmented or Virtual Reality experiences or other data-intensive or collaboration-heavy use cases, AppSync has many powerful features that can help you with your next project. Get started with this course and learn how to build amazing applications with both realtime and offline capabilities.


  • Introduction
  • Course Setup
  • Creating a Service
  • Adding a Frontend
  • Amplify Schema Helpers
  • Adding Cognito Authentication
  • React Code Review & Subscriptions
  • Course Cleanup

Taught by

Ryan Brown

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