Developing economies of Latin America, Eurasia and Africa

Offered By: Tomsk State University via Coursera


Economics Courses Economic Development Courses Emerging Markets Courses

Course Description


This course concerns mainly not developed countries of the world but still very promising. And we will start in the first module with studying the Latin American economies. And those are the biggest and the most promising Brazil or Argentina. We will try to understand why Brazil or Mexico or Argentina or Chile can catch up with other developed economies, and if they have any progress in doing so. The second module will concern their economies of post-soviet territory and actually economies in transition. We will speak about central Asian caucuses central European countries and of course Russia which is the leader and the core of integration of this region. And of course we will also touch the point about their differences in their one road one belt initiative European Union integration and Eurasian economic union integration. And the third module in this course will be devoted to the newly emerged countries. Those are basically those of Asian-pacific region of Balkans and those of Africa. We will speak why they emerged, we will speak of why they gained independence, and if there were any referendums of their residents if they wanted to be independent during the last 30 years. And I will end this course and I will end this course with the theory of Wallenstein which is called the world systems' theory, and we will study from that why the core countries can be more progressive and more successful than their peripheral countries or semi-peripheral countries. So join the course!


  • General Information
    • Welcome to the third course of the specialty «Economic systems and doing business in different countries of the world». This course concerns mainly not developed countries of the world but still very promising.
      We will begin our study of this course by examining economies of Latin American countries. At the beginning we will look in detail at internal and external drivers of Latin American economies, we will touch on Latin American integration and will focus on biggest economies of Latin America – Brazil and Mexico. In the second part of our course, you will be able to study economies of post-soviet countries. We will consider economies in transition, which are between developed and developing countries and will focus in more detail on Russia and the Eurasian economic union. At the end of this course, you will learn how the geo-economic map is currently being transformed. We will pay special attention to youngest countries of the world – Balkans and Africa. And the last thing we will talk about World systems theory, developed by Immanuel Maurice Wallerstein.
      At the end of each module topic, you will have the opportunity to test your knowledge by answering test questions. And after each module your knowledge will be assessed by a test on all materials of the studied module.
      You will also need to complete practical assignments, which will allow you to apply in practice all that you have learned in our course. So, join of the course!
  • Module 1. Economies of Latin American countries
    • In this module you can study the economies of Latin America. And these are the largest and most promising Brazil or Argentina. We will try to understand why Brazil or Mexico, or Argentina or Chile can catch up with other developed economies, and whether they are making progress.
  • Module 2. Economies of post-soviet countries
    • This module concern economies of post-soviet territory and actually economies in transition. We will speak about central Asian caucuses central European countries and of course Russia which is the leader and the core of integration of this region. At the end, we will also touch the point about their differences in their one road one belt initiative European Union integration and Eurasian economic union integration.
  • Module 3. Modern geoeconomical map transformation
    • The last module in this course devoted to the newly emerged countries. Those are basically those of Asian-pacific region of Balkans and those of Africa. We will speak about why they emerged, why they gained independence, and if there were any referendums of their residents if they wanted to be independent during the last 30 years. In the end this course with the theory of Wallenstein which is called the world systems' theory, and we will study from that why the core countries can be more progressive and more successful than their peripheral countries or semi-peripheral countries.
  • Final control of the course 3 of specialization

Taught by

Минчичова Валерия Сергеевна


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